The Gravel Project

Album art
Product art
Product packaging
Website design
Press kit
Sticker design
Product photography
Poster design

The Gravel Project is the creation of brothers, (guitarist) Andrew and (organist) Jordan Gravel. Described by The Boston Globe as "a night of rocking blues and funk jams," the Gravel Project electrifies crowds with inventive original songs, creative interpretations of well known classics, and high-energy group improvisation.

The band initially approached me needing a sharp, professional press kit. We hit it off and went on to completely redesign their then-problematic website, and continued with artwork and package design for their second full-length album, Wishful Thinking, as well as merchandise and promotional materials for the band.

"…After listening…[Tye] completely understood our motivation…a more user friendly and visually appealing site…that directs visitors to the pages that are most important. Even when the website was complete, Tye went above and beyond again…with instructions on basically everything I'd ever want to use the website for."
— Andrew Gravel, guitarist/vocalist & songwriter,
The Gravel Project